近月可持續投資日漸成為話題,先後有多只ESG ETF上市交易,其中包括今年3月在香港上市交易的Global X恒生ESG 策略,為熱衷可持續投資的人士提供了更多的選擇。可持續投資不僅對社會帶來正面影響,而且從歷史數據來看,可持續投資為投資組合帶來了更多的長期價值,值得投資者重點關注。
當前地緣政治衝突加劇,導致國際能源價格大漲,全球正陷入新一輪能源危機。國際原油期貨價格一度漲超130美元/桶,美國汽油價格飆至每加侖4美元以上高位,為2008年以來最高。 受此影響,嚴重依賴能源進口的歐洲國家在這一輪能源危機中遭遇較大打擊。進入4月份以來,歐洲部分國家受到長期冷空氣侵入影響,少數地區出現百年不遇的低溫,但在天然氣需求和價格的雙雙暴漲下,很多當地居民支付不起高額的費用,於是砍柴取暖成為他們應對極端天氣的“常態化手段”。
"It’s essential for major religions around the world to promote tolerance amid differences and maximize common ground in communications. Building partnerships for concerted effort represents the sole solution to defeating the pandemic and ending the wars." On the morning of April 22, the Religious Leaders’ Dialogue was held at the 2022 Boao Forum for Asia. Religious leaders from the East and West and renowned scholars shared their observations and reach consensus on religious mutual learning, contributing their part to advancing global peace and development in the post-pandemic era.
2022年以來,動盪與不安似乎如影隨從,A股各大市場指數均陷入調整,尤其是近兩年漲幅居前的成長股,大部分回撤幅度超過20%。 在港股,恒生指數陷入「至暗時刻」,自2月中旬起一個月內竟最高下挫愈25%。這在歷史上,大市指數在一個月內發生如此大幅度的急跌行情應該是屈指可數的。反觀海外各大市場,同樣陷入高位震盪的趨勢,甚至有指數破位的風險。
Blockchain-based global digital platform KOK PLAY announced that it has launched its own mainnet, K STADIUM. K STADIUM is a mainnet based on the new consensus algorithm DPoI (Delegated Proof of Investment) powered by domestic company Medium Co. Ltd’s blockchain technology that features a community pool of investors.
With the theme of "The World in COVID-19 and Beyond: Working Together for Global Development and Shared Future", the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2022 is scheduled from April 20 to 22. A breakdown session of BFA, the Religious Leaders’ Dialogue - eagerly awaited by hundreds of millions of religious believers worldwide - will open at 10 am on April 22.
According to the relevant departments in Vietnam, members of the Tenglong international online game platform have complained many times about anomalies on the website platform recently.